Mariposa Eco Consulting, a woman owned company was launched in January 2011, based on the belief that our clients’ needs are of utmost importance. Our team is committed to providing assistance with the development of environmental programs in the areas of solid waste and sustainable program development. As a result, a high percentage of our business is from repeat customers and referrals.
Here is a list of the assistance we have provided for our clients:
• Consultant and Account Manager for a large ISO14001 and R2 certified Electronic Recycler, Responsible for acquiring new business within government agencies. Designing internal training and education programs for staff and clients.
• Auditing of 300+ City of Los Angeles multi-family complexes in order to implement new recycling programs.
• Develop, approve, and implement procedures and methodologies to evaluate viability or success of sustainability programs, climate change program activities, and establish program objectives.
• Completion of an updated 3rd Party Generation Study on behalf of a waste hauler for a franchise City.
• Providing auditing and waste characterization of a large California Utility Service Center and Operations facilities. The data collected provided planning for increase recycling and version programs and the reduction of disposal services.
The Achievements we were able to provide for one of our clients,